Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Great Teachers

Among other topics, this week we are discussing what makes a great teacher. Can you tell us about some of Cooper's teachers that you thought were great? What made them great teachers?


  1. the biggest teachers that made an impact on us and coopers education, were the ones that were flexible! They realized that each child is different and will learn in a different way. So their lesson plans may need "tweaking" .. they may need to spend a longer time on a subject if the kid really finds it interesting or move along if its not welcomed too much.

    A teacher that wants to know what is going on at home..if he had an off night or morning didnt go so well, it sets the tone for the whole day.. so if the teacher is involved in other aspects of the child; they may be more understanding. is the child on meds/ therapies, etc..these are all things the teacher should know about. (whether the services are offered at school or not)

    the teacher that makes the effort to be friends with the aide or therapist in the room that is working with my child is a great successs from my point of view.

    it should always be a team effort.

  2. I want to thank you beth for sharing your story and all the posts that you have done thus far. This post imparticular is very helpful for me because I want to be the best teacher possible. I realize that being flexible is key but like you said, even more importantly creating an understanding relationship with my students will be necessary so that I have a full understanding on what they are dealing with on a daily basis. Just like adults, children have off days and teachers must be open to changing parts of lessons or realizing that this lesson may not be working for some students. Therefore, being flexible is the teachers only option to make sure that each student is given an equal chance to succeed in that lesson, or for the day.

    Once again, I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts! :o]

    *Heather Roark
    EDP 478/578

  3. I definitely agree that teachers need to be aware of where there students are coming from. What are they like at home? What educational/behavioral strategies have been successful? Which ones have failed? Teachers must use all of this information in order to be effective. Otherwise, they will be spinning in circles trying things that have consistently not worked in the past.

    Ideally I think teachers should allow students to spend more time on what interests them and less time with what is boring to them. However, there are state legislated standards that must be taught and the students in the class need to be working on the same content. The teacher definitely needs to acheive a balance with teaching the required content and allowing time for enrichment activities where students can pursue their particular interests.
    ~Carrie S.
